Rebel Blog

Big Changes At Crazy Rebels

Big Changes At Crazy Rebels

As a small business we are so very grateful for growing pains and we wouldn't want it any other way. But as we grow and learn we have to make some tough decisions. 

In an effort to provide a more enjoyable order-through-production experience for you, we’re changing things up at CR HQ. We have made the decision to take a temporary hiatus from accepting new leather collar, Kyon collar, tags, leashes, and custom artwork orders while we get caught up on existing orders.  Our goal is to have your wait time on the actual production down to as short as possible before we begin accepting new orders again. We plan to be back open to new orders later this year. All collections will be open through Sunday, June 10, 2018 until 11:59 PM PST if you would like to get any last minute orders in.

We thank you so much for your patience while we restructure a bit. We’re not going anywhere, we’ll still be here working away on orders to ensure a seamless order, production and delivery for you in the future. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any inquiries you might have. 

And the good news is, we will continue to offer bandana and print collars all summer long. Yes, we said print collars! Launching Monday, June 11. We also have tons of new prints and products in store for you, in addition to new items and fun stuff planned. Our grand reopening will feature a fully restocked website including classic favorites and brand new gear, so get excited.

We are beyond grateful for the love and support you continue to show us. Thank you for loving Crazy Rebels!

Get Your Dog To Love Nail Time

Get Your Dog To Love Nail Time

How to Get Your Dog to Love The Dremel:  A Step By Step Guide

Giveaway closed. Congrats to the winner Marc Howard and his dog Remi.

As we wrap up our Toe Trim Tuesday giveaway (there's still time to enter, giveaway ends tomorrow!), we hope to continue to inspire you all year long to keep up consistent nail care with your dogs. Trimming your dogs nails doesn’t have to be a daunting task, just take it slow and try to think of it as a bonding session with your dog instead of a traumatic event. We have trained several dogs in the manner so we believe in it’s success and want to pass along what has worked for us. We’ve put together a step by step guide for getting your dog used to, and even possibly enjoying, Dremel day.

** Do each step until your dog is very comfortable at each stage. No need to rush, it’s not a race. If you can get your dog super comfortable with the Dremel you will have a lifetime of easy nail care ahead of you. 

Step 1:  Get your dog familiar with the Dremel. We started this when our dogs were puppies, so it’s never too early to start. You can also use this method on older dogs and every age in between. But if you have the benefit of starting early on with a young pup, DO IT! Start now. 

First you’ll want to pull out your Dremel along with treats (peanut butter or high value treats work best) in front of your dog. You can even put peanut butter on the handle of the Dremel and let them lick it off. *Just make sure the Dremel is unplugged or has the battery pack removed when doing this step. You are not even going to turn it on. You just want them to associate the Dremel with good things. You can touch the Dremel to their nails while treating them but just don’t turn it on yet.

Step 2: Now it’s time to turn it on. This step is similar to the first step, except no touching the nails to the Dremel while it’s on. Just treating and lots of praise and letting them hear the Dremel. You can ask them to sit and lay next to you while holding the Dremel that is turned on. 

Step 3: Actual contact. We suggest two people for this step. It just makes it easier and safer. Even now when our dogs are socialized with the Dremel we typically tag team nail day and both assist in the process. We usually do this step outside as the nail dust tends to fly, ew. Lay a blanket or towel down on the lawn and ask your dog to lay on it. You generally want them laid out on their side so they are less likely to try to get up. One persons job is to distract the dog with treats and love and pets. A spoon full of peanut butter works well here as they are so intently focused on licking that they forget whats going on with their feet. Don’t be stingy, you will go through lots of peanut butter at this stage but it will be worth it we promise.

The other person’s job is to Dremel as efficiently as possible. It’s go time! Firmly hold one paw at a time so there is no wiggling and do one nail at a time with the Dremel. If at any time your dog becomes distressed just stop and try again the next day. You don’t want to have any negative association with the Dremel. 
We slowly phased out the usage of treats. Usually petting, rubs and cuddles will do the trick just fine. But of course each dog is different and may always require some extra incentive.

Step 4: You’re done. Repeat once a week and your dogs nails will be in tip top shape.

The key here is to go slowly through all the steps to build a positive connection with what the Dremel represents. When our dogs see the Dremel they literally follow us to the backyard and lay down themselves because they know they’re about to get a massage. 

This method has worked for us and many others so we hope it works for you too. If you have any questions feel free to email us directly, we’d be happy to discuss with you. Happy nail trimming!

And don’t forget to tag your photos with #toetrimtuesday on Instagram or Facebook.

Giveaway: Nail Care For Your Dog

Giveaway: Nail Care For Your Dog

Contest closed! Congrats to the winner Marc Howard.

We’re kicking off the new year on the right foot, quite literally. ;) Whether you have one or ten dogs in your pack, remembering weekly nail maintenance can feel overwhelming. So we’re instituting Toe Trim Tuesday as a fun reminder to trim those toesies on a weekly basis. A while back we instituted this Tuesday ritual for our own pack as a way to keep ourselves accountable and make sure everyone’s nails are always at a good length.  Our mission is to inspire a routine in your household so that nail care is never an issue again.

Why trim the nails?

Because the average house dog doesn’t wear down their nails enough naturally, it is important that we do it for them. Long nails can cause many problems for dogs and can be very painful. Untrimmed nails are more likely to get caught and tear. Ouch!! Shorter nails are much more comfortable for your dog.

Nail Care options


Pros: In our experience the safest and most effective way to trim a dogs nails is by filing them with a Dremel instead of clipping with clippers. You have more control and there is a much smaller risk of hitting the quick. 

Cons: This process is more time consuming and takes some investment in equipment.


Pros: Clippers are quick and efficient and do not cost a lot. 

Cons: You can more easily cut the quick if you are not experienced.


Pros: You don’t have to deal with the actual maintenance and groomers are experienced and proficient at nail care. They generally offer both clipper and Dremel options.

Cons: This can get expensive if you are going every week, and then there is the inconvenience of taking your dog to the groomer more often.


Pros: If your dog is difficult to wrangle some people find a vet the best option for getting the nails down. You can rest assured your dog is in safe, competent hands.

Cons: This option isn’t really feasible on a weekly basis and can be pretty costly, unless you are already at the vet for an appointment.

Toe Trim Tuesday Giveaway 

Because we love the Dremel so much, seriously we have at least four, we’re giving away one brand new Dremel to make your weekly nail care regimen easy peasy. And of course it’ll come with a matching classic Kyon collar and leash.

To enter: 

  1. Like Crazy Rebels on Facebook
  2. Post a picture of your dog(s) on our Facebook page with a New Years resolution you have for you and your dog(s), (i.e. camp at least twice with my dog, walk my dog once a day, teach my dog to drive, venture to the moon with my dog, etc. you get the idea) and hashtag #toetrimtuesday.

Giveaway ends January 31, 2018. Open worldwide.

Get Involved

  • Use the hashtag #toetrimtuesday on Instagram to share your weekly nail care adventures. Show us your dogs nails, we want to see (really, we do)!
  • Post any dog nail care pics to our Facebook page or to your Facebook page and be sure to hashtag #toetrimtuesday.
  • Share this post on Facebook.

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years!

As we look ahead to the year before us, we can't help but take a moment to look back at all the 
awesomeness that was 2017. Thank you for your love and support all year long. This year was pretty epic,

but 2018 is going to be even better.

We have a TON of new products in the works, including some gorgeous new blinged out collar designs.

Happy New Years friends! Wishing you all the best in 2018! 

Giveaway: All Natural Amazing Treats!

Giveaway: All Natural Amazing Treats!

The rebel pack is 100% raw fed so when it comes to treats, it's pretty much homemade or nothing...until now. Remy's K9 Kitchen is the answer to every dog prayer. Their exclusive line of treats focuses on wholesome, minimal ingredients, all locally sourced and processed right in the USA so you know your dog is getting the very best.

Whether your dog is raw fed or not, commercial treats are laden with fillers, preservatives, dyes, grains and even sodium. Eck. Natural freeze dried treats, however, are the absolute best product on the market for your dog. Freeze drying the ingredients preserving the majority of the nutrition.

We sat down with the owner and dog mom, Lisa McMillan, of Remy'S K9 Kitchen to get some inside info and offer you an incredible giveaway.

What inspired Remy’s Kitchen?

When we adopted Remy, we knew we wanted the best possible nutrition for him. After discovering he had sensitivities to certain ingredients in his food, I started preparing his meals for him. Through trial and error we learned what those sensitivities were. That path led us to starting this company. We wanted to create a line of food and treats with clean, healthy ingredients and no fillers. Food that your pup loves and you feel good about feeding to them.

How did you decide on the featured recipes?

Our Superfood Snack line came about because Remy loved another freeze dried treat that wasn't meat based, but the first ingredient was potato. I thought we can definitely do better than that. Why put a filler in it? Why not have pure nutrition in every bite? Right now, we offer a Blueberry Coconut treat with Greek yogurt, Blueberries, Garbanzo Beans, Kale, Chia seed, Flax meal, and Coconut Oil. Coming soon is a Pumpkin Kale version of that. Freeze dried in their natural state, preserving 98% of their nutrients. Our Just line is just that - meat and organs , freeze dried in their raw natural state. Single sourced protein. No guessing on what else may be in that bag of treats. 

Where do you source your ingredients from?

Our meats are all pasture raised locally to our facility in southern Wisconsin. The ingredients for our Superfood Snacks are also sourced locally and in the surrounding Midwest.

Where are your treats manufactured and packaged?

Our treats are made and packaged in a USDA inspected, state of the art facility in Wisconsin. We work closely with a Holistic Veterinarian who helps us perfect our recipes for our Superfood Snacks and our line of complete meals, which are still in development. She is actively involved in overseeing our production and quality control.

Why should dog owners choose these treats over others?

We are dog owners too! Not some big company tying to convince you through marketing what your dog needs. We truly care, and only want only the best for your pups and ours! Presently, we offer the only Freeze Dried Superfood dog treats that do not contain ANY fillers - no potatoes, grain, or filler of any kind.

What are the benefits of your treats?

Our focus is clean, healthy, biologically appropriate raw food with a single sourced protein for each recipe. Great for dogs with allergies or sensitivities. You know exactly what you are getting in each bag. Our Superfood Snacks offer pure, clean superfoods for your dog in every bite. We are so excited for your pups to try them! Remy and his friends do all the taste testing, so you know you are getting pup approval on everything you try from us!

You can find Remy's K9 Kitchen treats exclusively online on their websiteInstagram and Facebook

To enter to win a years supply of Remy's all natural treats, check out our Instagram right here.