Movie Monday: Beyond The Myth
Movie Monday: Beyond The Myth: A Film About Pit Bulls and Breed Discrimination
Genre: Documentary
Year released: 2010
Breeds in movie: Lovable, Huggable,Pit bulls
Notes: Beyond The Myth is more than just a documentary, it is an eye opening, information packed depiction of the cruel reality of Breed Specific Legislation specifically as it affects Pit Bull breeds. We are avid supporters of ending BSL nationwide, but this movie enlightened us to even more facts of actual discrimination taking place right now and the horrible situations that BSL causes.
Breed Specific laws are very real and actively enforced in several cities in the USA. In Denver, Colorado Pit Bulls are often ripped from their family homes, impounded, and put to death. Not because of anything they have done, but because of a generalization that is all too terrible and misunderstood. Basically based soley on the way they look, not who they are as individual beings. Beyond The Myth brings to light the ways in which BSL affects real people and their pets. We recommend this dog-umentary as an informational tool and a must watch for all dog lovers.
Paw rating: 4 paws up
Have you seen this movie? What did you think?