Help Stop Breed Specific Legislation, 5 Easy Steps
Breed-specific legislation, commonly referred to as BSL, bans certain dogs based on their appearance and characteristics classifying them as “dangerous breeds”. This wrongful stereotype, essentially canine racism, lumps all of one type of dog together and deems them dangerous based on previous incidents. When a breed ban is implemented it requires all dogs resembling the banned dog, based on appearance, be removed from that area.
As this type of legislation is based solely on appearance and does not consider the actual dog, his behavior, or how he has been raised, it often takes perfectly safe family dogs away from their homes and either displaces them sending them to shelters in another area or eventually results in their execution.
Can you imagine if legislation was passed in your city that suddenly required you to get rid of your beloved dog? We can't even imagine! Our hearts go out to those personally affected by BSL, and we're doing our small part to stop it.
BSL is wrong for so many reasons and punishes everyone for the actions of irresponsible dog owners. There is no such thing as a bad dog, just bad owners. So let’s be the voice for the thousands of innocent dogs who have, and wil, fall victim to BSL. Let’s help fight this.
According to
- BSL does not improve public safety or prevent dog bites.
- BSL ignores the plight of victims and potential victims of non-targeted breeds.
- BSL is costly.
- BSL requires each and every dog to be identified as a breed, something that has proven impossible to do accurately and objectively.
- BSL makes targeted breeds more desirable to irresponsible and criminal owners.
- BSL does nothing to make irresponsible dog owners accountable.
- BSL punishes responsible dog owners.
Surprisingly there are 75 dog breeds currently banned or restricted across the US. You can help make a difference, let’s start by signing this official petition. You can help enact change in just 5 easy steps.
1. Go to
2. Click on view petitions.
3. Search "BSL".
4. Click on find out more.
5. Sign the petition.
It's that easy!