Rebel Blog — hot topics

Hot Car Awareness

Just because summer is coming to a close, doesn't mean hot day dangers are in the clear. When the outside temperature is 70 degrees or above, it is already too hot to leave your dog in the car even if the windows are down. Despite the publicity of hot car awareness an untold number of dogs, pets, and children die every year in parked cars due to suffocation and overheating.
As the temperature rises the car becomes like an oven. No one would ever put a dog in an oven; likewise a dog should never be left in a parked car. Even "just a minute" is too long and can result in death. Do your doggies a favor, if you can't take them in with you let them stay at home. Love your pets; don't leave them in the car!
If you see a dog trapped inside a car you can call 911, your local police department, or animal control. 14 states currently have laws that specifically address the problem of animals being left in cars in extreme temperatures and prohibit such abuse. Spread awareness, share knowledge.

Movie Monday: Beyond The Myth


Movie Monday: Beyond The Myth: A Film About Pit Bulls and Breed Discrimination

Genre: Documentary

Year released: 2010

Breeds in movie: Lovable, Huggable,Pit bulls

Notes: Beyond The Myth is more than just a documentary, it is an eye opening, information packed depiction of the cruel reality of Breed Specific Legislation specifically as it affects Pit Bull breeds. We are avid supporters of ending BSL nationwide, but this movie enlightened us to even more facts of actual discrimination taking place right now and the horrible situations that BSL causes.

Breed Specific laws are very real and actively enforced in several cities in the USA. In Denver, Colorado Pit Bulls are often ripped from their family homes, impounded, and put to death. Not because of anything they have done, but because of a generalization that is all too terrible and misunderstood. Basically based soley on the way they look, not who they are as individual beings. Beyond The Myth brings to light the ways in which BSL affects real people and their pets. We recommend this dog-umentary as an informational tool and a must watch for all dog lovers.

Paw rating: 4 paws up 


Have you seen this movie? What did you think?

BSL Bites


We are big supporters of the ongoing movement to educate ignorance and help end Breed Specific Legislation, commonly referred to as BSL. This breed-specific legislation ranges from full bans on the possession of specific breeds, to restrictions on ownership including a special set of conditions for owning that specific breed. In January 2013 we wrote about a national petition under review by the White House and we are incredibly happy to report that the White House has stated that they believe “breed-specific legislation is a bad idea.”
In their official email they go on to detail the following:
“We don’t support breed-specific legislation—research shows that bans on certain types of dogs are largely ineffective and often a waste of public resources.
In 2000, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looked at twenty years of data about dog bites and human fatalities in the United States. They found that fatal attacks represent a very small proportion of dog bite injuries to people and that it's virtually impossible to calculate bite rates for specific breeds.

The CDC also noted that the types of people who look to exploit dogs aren't deterred by breed regulations -- when their communities establish a ban, these people just seek out new, unregulated breeds. And the simple fact is that dogs of any breed can become dangerous when they're intentionally or unintentionally raised to be aggressive.

For all those reasons, the CDC officially recommends against breed-specific legislation -- which they call inappropriate. As an alternative to breed-specific policies, the CDC recommends a community-based approach to prevent dog bites. And ultimately, we think that's a much more promising way to build stronger communities of pets and pet owners.”
This national stand against BSL is a big step in the right direction, but there is still a long way to go.  Some state-level governments in the United States have prohibited or restricted the ability of their local governments within those states to enact breed-specific legislation. Still, jurisdictions in the United States and Canada have the right to enact breed-specific legislation; despite the fact that the actual effectiveness of BSL in preventing dog bite fatalities and injuries is highly disputed.

What can be done?
-Become informed to help educate others on the actual facts surrounding BSL.
-Rock a End BSL charm to proudly take a stand to end prejudice.
-Show off an End BSL or a Judge Not sticker to publicly spread the word.

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If It's Too Hot For You, It's Too Hot For Them

Hot weather precautions seem like something that should be common knowledge, yet sometimes it’s easy to overlook the obvious. Most pet owners are aware of the incredible danger of leaving their dogs in the car for even a moment, but what many don’t think about is the temperature of the ground when it’s hot outside. 

A simple rule to remember if it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for them. If you wouldn’t walk barefoot on the asphalt, sidewalk, and even the sand or dirt, your dogs shouldn’t either. Instead of slipping off your shoes, a good way to test the temperature is to press the back of your hand to the ground: if it’s too hot to hold your hand against, it’s definitely too hot for your dog’s paws.

 Ways to beat the heat: 

Walk your dogs early in the morning before the sun has had the chance to heat the ground all day. 

A small wading pool filled with just several inches of water provides hours of summer fun for canine friends. 

Ice cubes in the water bowl are both entertaining and refreshing.

 Keep those pups cool and walk safely!

Kicking Cancer's Butt

May was pet cancer awareness month, so we did our small part to support the cause and work towards kicking cancer's butt. We created an F Cancer Ruff Tag as a symbol of strength and hope for any person or dog who has ever been affected by cancer. With your help we were able to raise over $600 to donate to We want to shout out a gigantic thank you for all of your support and love all month long. 

We met a lot of incredible dogs and heard some heart wrenching stories, and at the end of the month we were inspired by the amount of care and concern strangers have for one another. We designed the cancer tag as a way to help fight cancer and to give back and along the way the idea behind the tag took on a life all its own. This tiny hand stamped tag become a symbol of strength, hope, and love for people and dogs alike. We shipped hundreds of them all around the world and we'll continue to ship hundreds more.

Show your support, get your F Cancer tags right here.